Monday, March 26, 2007

Half-way point

Well as of Friday I am half way to my due date. It is hard to believe that half of my pregnancy has come and gone and in five months I will meet the newest member of our family. My ultrasound is this Wednesday. So many people ask me what we want and I simple say "A healthy, happy full-term baby." Since we already have one of each then it matters not to me.


James wants a brother because he does not want another sister to pick on him. Lilli says she wants a sister. So one of them is going to be disappointed but I think they will get over it soon enough.

    We have not picked out names or set them stone as of yet we are leaning toward a certain girl's name but no boy's name.

    My pregnancy is going good so far I am over the "morning sickness" and pure lose of energy that I had in the beginning. Right now I feel normal. I know wait a few more months and I will feel like a beached whale.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

David's Reenistment

Sargent David Abraham Marshall reenlisted for the active duty in the United Stated Army on March 7, 2007. Sgt. Marshall reenlisted for a two year contract to his current duty station at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C. The reenlistment ceremony was at the hospital's flagpole. Sgt. Marshall is the son of Robert and Dora Lee Marshall of Harrison, Arkansas and the grandson of Rose and the late Robert Anstey of Benton, Arkansas and Sylvia Weissman of Coconut Beach, Florida and the son-in-law of Marjorie Carson of Harrison, Arkansas. Sgt. Marshall lives in Wheaton, Maryland with his wife Tammy and two children James and Lilli.

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