Bit and pieces of stuff and nonsense, and all things family. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.:)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
MRI at 9:15 pm
They have one machine down so the are booking appointment 24/7. i have never in my life had a 2115 (9:15 pm) appointment in my life. leave it to the military to come up with that.
A bottle thief.
While I was babysitting Dakota was horrible about stealing Gabby's bottle. The girls had just left and I walked into the living room and Dakota had planted himself in the baby's bouncer and started drinking her bottle. I had to snap a picture it was just to funny. He had this look "What wrong? She let it behind."
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Almost Fall and time for Halloween costumes.
Monday, October 06, 2008
How sweet he is....
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Congratulation to The Smith Family
Monday, September 29, 2008
Lilli's First Day of Pre-K
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Summers End.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fourth Anniversary
Monday, March 10, 2008
Marshall House of Ills
For the last two and a half months the Marshall household has been playing "Flu Tag" with each other. It usually starts with James and moves down the line in one form or another. The last two weeks thankfully no one has gotten sick. So there is really very little going on in our direction because we have all be too sick in one way to the other. My kids may not share their candy but they give their germs away freely.
James once again received an Academic Achievement Award from school this grading period. The kid is sometimes too smart for his own good.
Lilli is sweet and ornery as ever. And if the paper work gets processed and approve she may be able to go to head start at school.
Dakota is growing and starting to gabber he knows how to say "Hi" and for a Mama's boy we can't figure out why his second word was "Dada".
As for David and I we are watching our babies grow. I marvel at them some days the small things they do or say. Watching them grow before my eyes. I often at night when the house is quiet and my kids are sleeping wonder what life holds for them. I laugh as James and Lilli tease and torment each other and then sit in awe as small moments of endearment are shown or said. I watch James as he takes step to independence and they often lean into boundary testing but I realized it is all part of growing up. I see Lilli and her boldness she is so bright and funny yet so wild and pure fire. She is so determined to be stronger and brighter then James. I already see her as the one who will say,"I can do it bigger and better then you." And sweet Dakota learn and taking in this big world with his bright eyes that took in the world the moment he was born. His eyes always alert and so afraid he is going to miss something but at the end of the day he is ready to sit on his Daddy's lap and play "stick out your tongue". Then when it's time to wind down put his head on my chest and fall asleep.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Christmas 2007
Most of us have seen the pictures in any major magazine.
The perfect Christmas setting. The perfectly lit tree that has the prefect balance, color coordinating ornaments and trim. The halls are decked with ribbons and evergreens. The outdoor lights are dancing.
The wall is cramped with cards from family and friends. The candles are twinkling and all the same height. No run over wax or blackened glass globes.
The kitchen table is set with a center piece that matches the tree. The place settings are so perfect the Queen of England would feel right at home.
The whole family is wearing matching outfits and sitting in front of the fireplace, where a warm glowing fire is burning. The family pets are sitting calmly an at peace with each other. The family picture is perfect as well. Everyone is smiling with no squinting.....
You get the perfect picture. But as any of us that have kids and or pets it come with a price. Stress.
I was talking with my "other mother" and she made me think about the "perfect" Christmas.
This Christmas I was happy with my Christmas.
Grant it that my neurotic dog can't stand to have me more then five feet from her or she freaks out.
Grant it that my youngest son is teething and has a cold as well as myself and James and Lilli. So instead of pine needles and apple cider the house smelled like menthol vapor rub. boxes with holiday scenes decorated our tables. And we all looked like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. And visions from cold medicine danced in my head.
Grant it that Dad and Mom suffer from lack of sleep because Dakota missed his bed. Chewing on my and anyone else's shirt and anyone else he could get his hands on and stick in his mouth.
Grant it none of us got the chance (or remembered) to take the annual family picture.
My Christmas was perfect. Santa Claus came to find homemade sweet rolls and milk. The tree was bursting with gifts. The kids opened so many gifts they forgot what came from who.
Nani was given the very large ham bone and found a place to hide from the noise.
The smell of menthol and the magic of teething gel keep Dakota happy long enough to get a picture in his Christmas outfit ( before his diaper exploded and needed a sink bath).
My kids were happy, loved on, kissed on, well feed, over stimulated to the point of hyper. Yet I would not have it any other way.
Give me my picture perfect Christmas any day. I hate to know just how miserable those kids were all prim and proper. How long it took to get the tree just right.
So in years to come I can put the picture of David sitting by the filled stockings and eating a homemade sweet roll.
Happy New Year to all.