Man, five days of rain! There may be even more coming. But, why am I complaining we are on the second floor.
Other then that we are doing good. We are waiting on the behaviorist to call us back for James' appointment but he is doing a lot better. The sassy-ness and the defiance is all but stopped for now, when we went to the doctor to get the referral he asked me if we were going to see the doctor so we could talk and get someone to helps us not fight. He got really quiet. For most of the day. I spoke to the doctor and told he what kind of behavior he was displaying and he said the James may be have some kind of emotional regression and need to work through it.
ste Since then James has been trying very hard to correct what he has been doing wrong. That is a great in the right direction but we still feel that talk to someone else may be just what he needs to learn coping skills.
Being a child from divorced parents is not easy. So may be he can find the answers to what ever is bugging him. Or find the skills he needs to cope with his emotions.
Now "sweet" Lilli on the other hand has become that typical two year that just does not like her control of her vast universe controlled. Learning her boundaries is becoming Troubesome to her. But in time (we hope) she will come out of this and be the very sweet and clever girl that she is becoming.
I sit her at my desk this morning missing my family and friends. With all this rain I miss walking across the road at my childhood home, and down the "valley" to the run off creek that comes gushing down the mountain. I miss sitting there in the rain under my umbrella and taking in all that I could hearing the rain and the water sing to the tress and earth. To feel the dampness and the smell. Yet Then I realize that the rain is here and not back home and it would do me no good to go back home.